Hydrodermabrasion facial

Hydrodermabrasion at Santa Barbara Spa

We’re passionate about enhancing your natural beauty through our innovative skincare treatments. Our combination of hydrodermabrasion and oxygen infusion facial offers a powerful solution for rejuvenating tired, dull skin and restoring a youthful glow.

Hydrodermabrasion offers a soothing blend of exfoliation and hydration, gently refreshing your skin with specialized techniques. As you relax, your complexion receives gentle cleansing and nourishment, resulting in improved texture, softened fine lines, and a radiant glow, all within a tranquil spa setting.

Benefits of Hydrodermabrasion

  • Enhanced Hydration: Infuse the skin with essential nutrients and moisture to restore balance and hydration.
  • Increased Oxygenation: Boost cellular metabolism and oxygen levels in the skin for improved circulation and vitality.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Calm and soothe irritated skin while reducing redness and inflammation.
  • Youthful Radiance: Stimulate collagen production and promote skin renewal for a firmer, more youthful complexion.
  • Detoxification: Purify the skin by removing toxins, pollutants, and impurities for a clearer, healthier appearance.
  • Immediate Results: Experience instant rejuvenation and a radiant glow after just one treatment.

Oxygen infusion is an ideal treatment following hydrodermabrasion. Its soothing, cooling, and healing properties help to calm the skin after the invigorating effects of hydrodermabrasion. The best part is that the serums applied with the oxygen gun remain on the skin, rather than being wasted. This ensures that all the beneficial ingredients stay where they are needed most—on your skin!

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